Friday, July 4, 2008

Wake up and be prepared

Our daughter Jasmin is a very passionate photographer. I mean really passionate. She carries her camera almost everywhere she goes.
One beutiful morning we went for a walk with her and our dog. And as usual she had her camera with her. The pictures in this blog is mostly taken by her.

While walking in the beatiful scenery it finally hit me. I have known it for long, but not really got it. The "it" is that we really need to wake up, see and "get" the world that is surrounding us and react to it in the right way. Jasmin's way is to see the tiniest details
, a small fly resting on a flower, a pearl of dew on a leaf, or clouds gathering to release some rain. And she saves the scenes on the memorycard of her camera.

What do you need to react on, that you now are closing your eyes from? Are you walking past your happiness? Do you loose potential clients just because you don' t ask them if they want to hire or buy from you? Or do you close your eyes from something you need to fix or restore, that actually now is loosing you money?

What if you would make a list of just 5 things that you have closed your eyes from and that really need your attention- Send one of them, as a comment to this blogpost, to me - just one

One thing that I will react on is my bookkeeping...

1 comment:

Lacanea said...

I had been dedicating most of the daily time to my work: important and gratifying as it can be, I found out it can also damage one's health and bring one's private life out of balance.
The ancient law of physics "every action is followed by a reaction"
can easily be applied to everyone's daily life.. one needs to act in time, before the effects get out of control.

I totally agree with you when you mention the 'here and now'.

When fishing, taking a photograph, riding a horse, driving a car, shooting an arrow, slicing a tomato, swimming in the sea, cheering with a friend, looking at the sunrise.. every fraction of a that instant is the most important of our lives.
It is unique and irrepetible.

Inspiration to our personal growth can be found in our daily life, the world which surround us, people we meet.. if we want to see it.

Congratulations on your clear and inspiring work.

Kiitos, ευχαριστο' from sunny Crete,
